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We have adopted a number of policies, practices, and controls to help ensure appropriate governance and high ethical standards throughout the organization and its operations.

Code of Conduct - We have adopted a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (“Code of Conduct”) that outlines fundamental ethical principles that all our employees and affiliates (including directors, the CEO, and all other officers and employees of the Company) are expected to follow.

Conflict of Interest - Our directors, executive officers, and all other employees are expected to avoid any action, position, or interest that conflicts with an interest of the Company, or gives the appearance of a conflict. Find out more about our Conflict of Interest Policy in the Code of Conduct.

Anti-Bribery/Anti-Corruption - Our Code of Conduct specifically prohibits employees from requesting or accepting gifts, favors, entertainment, or services for themselves, their family members, or anyone else from any individual or organization doing business with the Company.

Whistleblowers - Our Code of Conduct provides protection for whistleblowers and prohibits retaliation in any form against a whistleblower.

Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering - We have adopted a BSA/AML Policy, which establishes the framework of our BSA/AML program. It outlines the requirements necessary for Pacific Premier and its employees to comply with the laws and the specific regulations designed to detect and prevent financial crimes, such as money laundering and terrorist financing.

Fair and Responsible Banking - Our Fair and Responsible Banking Policy establishes the framework we use to help ensure compliance with applicable fair and responsible banking laws, and sets forth standards expected of our employees.

Data Security and Customer Privacy - The confidentiality and privacy of our clients’ information is extremely important to us. We have adopted a Privacy Policy to help ensure compliance with requirements of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the California Consumer Privacy Act.

Political Involvement and Activity - We do not engage lobbyists or make political contributions, nor did we receive any financial assistance from the U.S. government in 2023.